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9:00a (HLC Kids 0-5 years) and 11:00a (Full Children's Ministry)

21 Days Of Prayer And Fasting

Join us as we begin 2025 with 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Hamilton Life will be joining with many churches in the city to pray for our community, our nation, and each other. The fast will begin on Wednesday, January 8th as Pastor Jeff calls our church to begin the fast. Then, we will  meet each Wednesday with the other churches involved for corporate nights of prayer and worship. You will not want to miss them. Below is a copy of the city-wide prayer guide for each day of the fast. Print outs are also available for pick up at the church.

We love our city.

We are passionate about serving our community and bringing the radiant light of Christ to our city.
Hamilton Life Church is a non-denominational church that partners with many local organizations to live out the great commission given to us by our Savior.

Get involved today! There is no better way to love our city than to serve those who are a part of it.


Our heart is to be the radiant light of Christ to those who find themselves in darkness. We do this by loving God, serving our community, and growing  together in our relationship with Jesus. Join us this Sunday at 9:00a and 11:00a to be a part of what God is building here at HLC.


Catch up with latest message from Pastor Jeff. You can also click the link to view previous messages and series from Hamilton Life.
If you are not able to be with us in-person, join our livestream each Sunday during our second service at 11:00a.

Follow us on social media.

"Great people awesome music and spot  on message... Always feel welcomed when visiting and right at home!"

-Wendy P

"A wonderful family for you and your family to come and be a part of."

- Zachary F

"This church had really changed me in such a positive way!! I can really feel God working in that place!!!"

- Kaitlyn B

Service Times

9AM & 11AM Sundays // Wednesday 7:00PM